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Photo By: Kayla De Vares

This study does what many others alone couldn't do.  Each of the sources included in this study did comprehensive work on a specific topic of the discussion at hand, but few of them actually mentioned that Segregation is a compilation of many circumstances, rather than a result of just one.  Therefore, the purpose of this study was to do just that.


In conclusion, when Reverend Jesse Jackson proclaimed that Milwaukee was the most segregated city in the nation in 2011, he certainly wasn't wrong.  Based on the segregation study by Professors Logan and Stults, Milwaukee basically ties Detroit, Michigan for first.  Milwaukee, a once welcoming and accepting city has become a product of racism and racially discriminatory Government policies.  Determining what actually causes segregation becomes much more complicated as it is affected by a multitude of things.  Regardless, Milwaukee's neighborhoods have suffered due to segregation and Milwaukee as a whole seems to have lost sight of the neighborly principals it was founded on.


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